Its not always about what you have, or what others have that you want that defines our happiness. Sometimes, its what you can do, what you make, and what you give to others. It doesn’t have to be material… It just has to come from the heart.

“When contemplating the cosmos, we don’t always know all that we don’t know. So for me, I yearn for the questions I don’t yet know to ask.”

  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson

you have no idea about my process, or my progress, but be sure to judge.

when others don’t value you, value yourself. You are a unique and irreplaceable gift to the universe.

“Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional,” he declared as he scarfed down a huge bowl of Lucky Charms.

If you spend the majority of your time setting reminders so that you don’t miss anything, you might just be missing out on everything.

Of all the things you could lose, losing yourself is the most tragic.

“If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are.” – Master Shifu.

If your absence doesn’t matter to them, your presence never did.

All the world’s a stage.

Let’s make it a Broadway production, not community theater.

The year is 2024. There are 17 kinds of milk and 1 age bracket for potential presidents. Seems like we’re lacking focus in the right areas.

Never in my life have I encountered a group of people and thought: Yeah, those folks should be in charge.

In fact, I’ve had the opposite thought about every group I’ve encountered: Jebus, I hope they never get put in charge of anything important!

Sorry I called you out on your BS. It will happen again. I promise.

“America has decided that there is nothing immediately profitable about putting money towards helping people (healthcare, student loans, unhoused folks, etc), but those are the things you see long-term success with. But war? Blank check.” - KB

The UFC would be so much cooler if they incorporated the fight sound effects from Walker Texas Ranger. I mean, I know Walker was all TV fiction and these guys are for reals beating the hell out of each other,but I stand by that a few thwack and kick sounds would made The octagon much more entertaining.

Hey y’all, we made it to another weekend! Time to dive head first into a jungle juice, or what ever celebratory beverage you choose.

I find it hard to trust people who don’t like animals. Dogs, cats, what ever friendly furry friends you have are all alright with me. People who don’t like animals are suspect.

When I see people crossing the street looking at their phones I wish Norman Rockwell were alive so he could paint that.

I don’t wish my blindness on anyone, but people who release a book in paper-only form for anti-piracy reasons deserve a few months with a white cane.

Sometimes I see people’s social media posts and think I’d like to get to know them better… More than what I occasionally see them post. My problem is I’m not sure how to do that now. Why has tech made communication so much more complicated.