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Jul 7, 2024: Its not always about what you have, or what others have that you want that defines our happiness. Sometimes, its what you can do, what you make, and …

Jul 5, 2024: “When contemplating the cosmos, we don’t always know all that we don’t know. So for me, I yearn for the questions I don’t yet know to ask.” Neil …

May 9, 2024: you have no idea about my process, or my progress, but be sure to judge.

Apr 21, 2024: when others don’t value you, value yourself. You are a unique and irreplaceable gift to the universe.

Apr 13, 2024: “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional,” he declared as he scarfed down a huge bowl of Lucky Charms.

Apr 7, 2024: If you spend the majority of your time setting reminders so that you don’t miss anything, you might just be missing out on everything.

Mar 31, 2024: Of all the things you could lose, losing yourself is the most tragic.

Mar 31, 2024: “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are.” – Master Shifu.

Mar 25, 2024: If your absence doesn’t matter to them, your presence never did.

Mar 24, 2024: All the world’s a stage. Let’s make it a Broadway production, not community theater.

Mar 24, 2024: The year is 2024. There are 17 kinds of milk and 1 age bracket for potential presidents. Seems like we’re lacking focus in the right areas.

Nov 5, 2023: Never in my life have I encountered a group of people and thought: Yeah, those folks should be in charge. In fact, I’ve had the opposite thought about …

Oct 17, 2023: Sorry I called you out on your BS. It will happen again. I promise.

Oct 17, 2023: “America has decided that there is nothing immediately profitable about putting money towards helping people (healthcare, student loans, …

Oct 7, 2023: The UFC would be so much cooler if they incorporated the fight sound effects from Walker Texas Ranger. I mean, I know Walker was all TV fiction and …

Sep 29, 2023: Hey y’all, we made it to another weekend! Time to dive head first into a jungle juice, or what ever celebratory beverage you choose.

Sep 28, 2023: I find it hard to trust people who don’t like animals. Dogs, cats, what ever friendly furry friends you have are all alright with me. People who …

Sep 25, 2023: When I see people crossing the street looking at their phones I wish Norman Rockwell were alive so he could paint that.

Sep 24, 2023: I don’t wish my blindness on anyone, but people who release a book in paper-only form for anti-piracy reasons deserve a few months with a white cane.

Sep 24, 2023: Sometimes I see people’s social media posts and think I’d like to get to know them better… More than what I occasionally see them post. My problem is …